About the Hearts of Flowers collection

I created my Hearts of Flowers collection of paintings because I loved the idea I'd had of drawing hearts that were completely made up of flowers.

We all love flowers and we all love hearts, so there couldn't easily be a more adorable combination!

With my usual impromptu approach, I drew the flowers without any particular planning in mind, and formed by eye the shape of a heart.

I was really pleased with the varied results and feel they represent fully what being an intuitive artist is all about.

The prints are taken from my original paintings in acrylics on canvas. I scanned the paintings at a high resolution and then processed the artwork through some very exciting filters in Photoshop.

To retain the authentic painted look of the originals, I've kept traces of the canvas texture in the prints and added a clean white background to each one.

I hope you enjoy them. Be sure to look through all of the variations and colours to find your favourite. There's lots to choose from!

Open your heart to the joy